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時間:2010-10-26 21:54来源:prayforthem.ca 作者:prayforthem.ca 点击:

The Aurora Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast is a not-for-profit Christian-led initiative to which everyone is welcome.

The event's focus is on gathering to pray for elected officials, business leaders and the residents in Aurora.

Community leaders will be joined by members of the community at this second annual breakfast meeting of prayer, singing and scripture in Aurora.

Date Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Time 07:00am (out by 09:00am)
Place DiNardo's Banquet Hall
400 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora
Programme Prayer, Worship, Music, Testimony
Cost $25
Speaker Paul Henderson
Canadian sports legend Paul Henderson will share his powerful faith journey and how it relates to life, leadership, character and family.
Contact (905) 506 0566

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